Homecoming Queen
Nelson receives crown at Homecoming game

The 2014 Homecoming Queen was Senior Miah Nelson. She received her crown during half-time of the Permian-Lubbock Coronado game. Photo by Beau Roland.
October 7, 2014

Ratliff Stadium was full of hundreds of people Sept. 26. as Permian celebrated this year’s Homecoming against the Lubbock Coronado Mustangs.
While some people were hoping to see the scores for a 5-0 win others where focused on who would be crowned this year’s 2014 Homecoming Queen. This year’s homecoming court consisted of seniors Abby Batte, Lexi Ellison, Bri Johnson, Miah Nelson, Ashlyn Davis and Abigail Furst.
“I am nervous about tripping in front of this whole crowd,” Davis said.
Standing by the girl’s helping to calm their nerves and show support, parents and relatives alike where gathered on the field.
“I feel honored that my daughter is a part of the Homecoming Court,” Michael Johnson, Bri’s father said. “What would I do if she won? I think I would give her a hug and a kiss.”
“I would hug everyone else in the court and let them know they all deserve it too, just as much as myself,” Johnson said.
Even after the Queen was announced Johnson was not one bit bitter about the results. In fact, far from it.
“I am thrilled that she won.” Johnson said. “Miah has been one of my best friends since 7th grade and it’s just really awesome for her to get that kind of recognition. She works really hard and she is nice to literally everybody.”
After the announcement of the winner, the Nelson parents hearts where filled with pride, joy and happiness for their daughter.
“I am excited for her,” Gregory Nelson, Miah’s father, said. “I was surprised, but it is very confirming that she is the kind of person a lot of people feel is a good person and they determined that with their votes.”
Nelson’s mother, Mia, a former high school and college Homecoming Queen herself, was ecstatic over Miah’s crowning.
“I am so excited, I was screaming! I am so happy for her,” Mia Nelson said.
Nelson was feeling overwhelmed with excitement herself with the shock of winning.
“I’m gonna cry, I’m so surprised I won!” Nelson said.
But to some students, it came as no surprise.
“I love the fact that Miah got Queen,” Junior Cade Pence said. “She really deserved it. She works really hard at everything she does. She’s an all-around great person and does nothing but benefit others.”